Jul 14, 2022, 10:21 AM
Journalist ID: 1195
News ID: 84820903
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on July 14

Jul 14, 2022, 10:21 AM
News ID: 84820903
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on July 14

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, July 14, 2022:

*** Iran DAILY

-- Iran seeks $200b annual trade with neighbors

Speaker of the Iranian Parliament has announced that his country has targeted an annual trade of $200 billion with its neighbors.

On the sidelines of his visit to Uzbekistan, Qalibaf said in a meeting with Iranian businessmen and producers residing in the central Asian country on Wednesday that based on studies, we can have a trade capacity of $216 billion per year with neighbors.

He also said that Iran has more advantages in many fields than competing countries in the region.

According to the Parliament speaker, techno-engineering and technology-based services as well as an appropriate route for transit are among Iran’s significant potentials.

-- Biden Mideast trip won’t bring security to Israel: Raeisi

Iran said US President Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East, which started on Wednesday, would not bring about security for Israel.

“If the visits of American officials to the countries of the region are to strengthen the position of the Zionist regime and to normalize the relations of this regime with some countries, their efforts will not create security for the Zionists in any way,” President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi said during a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday.

-- Iran hopes for concrete result in talks with Saudi Arabia

Iran on Wednesday expressed hope that a “tangible step” would be taken during the next round of talks with Saudi Arabia. 

“We are trying to take a tangible step forward in the new round of negotiations,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani told a news briefing in Tehran.

Kanaani described previous discussions as “promising and encouraging,” saying the two regional powers “moved forward” in the talks mediated by Iraq. 


-- ‘A Zionist’ in Own Words in Occupied Palestine

AL-QUDS (Dispatches) -- The occupying regime of Israel’s military began confiscating 1,480 dunams of lands belonging to Palestinians north of the occupied West Bank on Wednesday as U.S. President Joe Biden touched down in Occupied Palestine to kick off his first trip to the Middle East since taking office.

-- Immortal Legacy of the Tenth Infallible Guide

“Whoever expects to encounter Allah [should know that] Allah’s [appointed] time will indeed come, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (Holy Qur’an 29:5)     

The Omnipresent Creator cannot be encompassed by the eyes of creatures, but what the above Ayah means to say in the Words of Almighty Allah Himself, Who is far too glorious to have shape, form, or place, is the assemblage of all mankind on the Day of Resurrection on which even those who during the transient life of the mortal world had succumbed to such devilish tendencies as disbelief, polytheism, atheism, and denial of the reality of the raising of the dead, will be gathered in the Divine Court for the Final Judgement.  

-- “The Great Zionist”  Visits Occupied Palestine

Silly Joe, as US President Joseph Robinette Biden is called by Americans, on Wednesday landed in the usurped land of Palestine on a four-day vacation and along with his Zionist hosts headed straight for the Yad Vashem in Tel Aviv that intends to magnify the myth of a non-event, the fictitious holocaust of Jews in Europe, by ignoring ground realities in West Asia. 


-- Iran holds firm as West ramps up rhetoric 

Iran has made it clear that recent Western calls for Tehran to take the draft deal currently on the table will not make it budge and that the conclusion of the nuclear talks depends on the United States moderating its negotiating position. 

Iranian President Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi rarely speaks about the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). But after France and the United States ramped up their rhetoric against Iran and accused it of procrastination, Ayatollah Raisi spoke in detail on Iran’s positions toward the JCPOA. 

-- Bolton admits U.S. planned foreign coups 

Former White House National Security Advisor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, has admitted he played a role in Washington’s plans to overthrow governments around the world. A policy that has long been strongly condemned internationally, from Latin America to West Asia and beyond. 

Bolton made the remarks to CNN following Tuesday’s congressional hearing into the January 6 2021 insurrection on Capitol Hill by supporters of ex-U.S. President Donald Trump to stop the certification of his successor.

-- Iran won’t back down on JCPOA positions: president

President Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi has underlined that Iran will not step back from its rightful position regarding the 2015 nuclear deal. 

Speaking in the cabinet meeting on Wednesday in response to the recent claims of the Americans regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), President Raisi said, “The Americans have said that Iran should return to the JCPOA, while the Islamic Republic of Iran has never withdrawn from the JCPOA and it was America who violated the JCPOA.”


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